Sonntag, 26. Oktober 2014

PROJECT: Lead By Example

What up, people?

Since 2 months I am working on Berit Mehle's integration project: "Lead By Example" and we are almost at the finish line. On wednesday, we got an appointment scheduled with the integration minister from our federal state and after that, I just need to make some final editing, sound mixing and animations between the shots to make the final product look professional as hell!
You see on the picture above a poster with the "examples" for this project and I was also asked to be on that poster because I learned the German language with the help of cartoons and now, I am fully integrated. The picture below shows me, Achmet and Berit after the interview with Achmet. He's a good friend of mine and sadly, he lived the street life and even got into jail for 2,5 years. He told us, how his darker skin color and clothes affected people's opinions and how he was prejudiced, only with his appearance.

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